I think it is important to understand how I view the world. Everyone one comes from a place they callRead More ⇾
Cesare Pavese once said “traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and lose sight of all thatRead More ⇾
My study abroad program ended several months ago, and with it, so too did my college education. Fortunately, though, myRead More ⇾
This study abroad experience has had a substantial impact on my academic and professional goals, but not in the typicalRead More ⇾
Before coming to Bishkek, I had never been out of the United States except for a few quick jaunts intoRead More ⇾
I’ll be honest, I used to laugh at the idea of culture shock and reverse culture shock. Now for me,Read More ⇾
I think that at some point, we all fall into some sort of routine. When I'm at home in theRead More ⇾
After so much uncertainty and anticipation — I am in Morocco. This semester, I will be studying in Al AkhawaynRead More ⇾
Honestly, I have to say that the only difference I see between America and Russia currently is that both countriesRead More ⇾
Wast Al-balad; what a wondrous place. I strolled through the narrow, overstuffed streets and alleyways, keeping an eye out forRead More ⇾
According to poet Cesare Pavese, “Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight ofRead More ⇾
Now that I am back in America, I feel like I never left to go to Korea. However, I amRead More ⇾